Friday, December 25, 2015

Image result for home for christmas images
As I ponder on Christmastime this year, I wonder what it was like those many years ago on that first Christmas as the Christ child, Jesus, God in the flesh, was welcomed into the world?   What was the reaction of His earthly parents when they saw baby Jesus face to face for the first time?  How happy Joseph and Mary must have been as they turned their eyes upon Jesus and looked full into His wonderful face.  Maybe they greeted Him with “hello”.  Perhaps their smiling faces beamed with delight and joy was in their hearts as they were united together as family. Divine. Perfect!

But every earthly hello ends with a goodbye.  About thirty-three years later, Jesus suffered and died an agonizing death on a cross just for being God’s Son.  Totally sinless and perfect, but completely willing to die for all of mankind’s sins.  He left His Home and HEAVEN CAME DOWN to Earth and dwelt among us (John 1:14). However, His ultimate purpose was not to come to us, but to die for us. Three days after His death, He was raised from the dead.  He died so we might have life and live with Him forever in Heaven.  He loved us so much and wanted to share eternity with us so He came down and lived among us (John 1:12, John 3:16). He chose to leave because we were on His mind. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, a family once united, now divided.  Separated, but only by space and time.  Apart, but not kept apart. Though apart, Jesus was in their hearts. When you love someone, hellos bring happiness and joy; goodbyes bring sadness and sometimes great pain. Thankfully, the goodbyes in Christ are only temporary. The Bible promises the believer a reception in glory at the perfect timing (II Corinthians 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

This second Christmas without my son and our family united, brings heaviness to my heart. When you love someone in Heaven, you have a little bit of Heaven in your home (heart), hence the desire to be there too. My son’s death has opened my eyes more fully to understand more of what life is about, given me more of an eternal perspective, and look at Christmas in a different light. Jesus’ birth is just the beginning of what His sole purpose was. Christmas is about eternity. God is the One who placed eternity in the hearts of men (Ecclesiastes 3:11).  Therefore, His children are never truly home until they arrive at their final destination. The book "Through a Season of Grief", states it this way:
   Faith not only empowers you to get through your difficulties, but it also assures you of a coming day when tears and sorrows are no more. Faith recognizes that this world is not your ultimate home.
   "There's a longing in my soul that requires me to look up, requires me to say, 'This isn't all there is,' because it isn't enough," says Dr. Larry Crabb. "When I am hurting, others come up with the formulas and the procedures to do this and this and this and then I will be fine. My answer is this:  I'll never be fine until I'm Home."
   What does the word home typically mean to you?  Know that you were created for a different home, a better home, an eternal Home with God. This life here is not all there is.
   "Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in Heaven, not built by human hands" (2 Corinthians 5:1).
Erwin W. Lutzer, author of "One Minute After You Die" writes:
   Most of us find comfort in being told that we are going to go on living; Paul, in the Bible, was comforted in being told that he would soon be dying! He kept referring to death as that which was "far better."
   The fact that we don't view death with optimism just might be because we think of death as taking us from our home rather than bringing us to our Home! Unlike Paul, we have become so attached to our tent that we just don't want to move.
   To die is to go home to Heaven; to live is to exist in a foreign country on Earth.  Someday we'll understand this distinction much better; for now the future is ours by faith. Home is where we belong. 
In His lovingkindness, God continues to be near me. He has reminded me through a Christmas card from a dear friend, that He knows my heart is heavy and He brings Christmas peace to quite my heart. And the peace He gives is a gift the world cannot give, so don't be troubled or afraid (John 14:27). He lets me know in many ways, He is close by and always within reach.

The passing of my son has changed the way I see so many things. The Lord continues to show me what truly matters and is helping me to keep my focus on the essentials. Even though I have feelings of sadness, miss him beyond words, and am ready to meet my Savior, God lovingly reminds me to HOLD ON. He is still on His throne and scripture still rings true. He has the best plan for my life and He is fitting everything into place. He gently “whispers”, "Clark David is Home. He is Home for Christmas with Me where all My children will be. He is having the best and most perfect Christmas. He is wrapped up in My peace and held closely in My tender care. Excellent care. The best care! You will see him soon!"

God has served notice.  All farewells are on the clock. They are filtering like grains of sand through an hourglass. If Heaven's throne room has a calendar, one day is circled in red and highlighted in yellow. God has decreed a family reunion (You'll Get Through This, An Inspirational Dayspring Daybrightener, Max Lucado). Will you be joining His reunion?

It has been said, "Home is where the heart is." The online dictionary definition describes that phrase as "the places and people one loves or cherishes most;." It also mentions, "a longing for home; your home is whatever place you long to be." That longing is a desire to be where you feel comfortable, loved, and at peace. To the Christian, Heaven is that Home; where you are loved, at rest, and full of peace because Jesus fills that place. My heart is longing for that Home...because my Home is a place I've not yet been before, but I know I'm going there and all that awaits me!

In Christ, earthly goodbyes are temporary with promises of heavenly hellos and new beginnings!

This Christmas, TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim, in the Light of His glory and grace.

* God started applying His balm to my bereaved soul in many ways, music being one. Yellow capitalized words are links to songs that continue to bring solace to my broken, yet healing heart.

"I waited patiently for the Lord. He turned to me and heard my cry . . .
He put a new song in my mouth . . ." (Psalm 40:1-3)