Tuesday, September 11, 2018


 Yesterday, September 10th was World Suicide Prevention Day and the beginning of National Suicide Prevention Week and Month. In commemoration of this day in 2016, two years after my son died by suicide, I felt compelled to share my heart and some of my findings as I went on a journey to pick up the pieces and try to understand a little of where he had been. Though therapeutic for me, I wanted to do what little I could to help others, to encourage those who walk this road, to hopefully help reduce the stigma of this growing health crisis, possibly lessen the future statistics, and journal my story for God's glory and purposes (see 2016 archived post on suicide).

On September 30 of that same year, I surprisingly received a text message with two pictures from Melonie, a dear and long-time friend with a message, "Remembering Clark David tonight and praying for those affected." She and her daughter, Lexi, were on the campus of the University of Alabama for a homecoming football game. They had written my son's name (Clark David Heaton) on a large sign displayed on the quad along with many other names in honor of those who had lost their lives to suicide. She and her daughter's act of love in remembering and praying for us was and is so appreciated. It's the love of God and prayers that helps sustain each of us as we all go through suffering on this Earth.

 Clark David was a "normal" 19 year old guy who was loved by many and enjoyed life. There was no indication to anyone at the time that ending his life was on the horizon (Isn't hindsight always 20/20?...later we would learn of his depression, opiod use, and spiritual battle). Now that I'm aware of the warning signs and precautions, I can definitely see how knowing that could be beneficial in helping someone to live a more productive, fruitful life, but not necessarily prolong their life or prevent their death. Only God is the Author of life and death and He holds the keys (1 Samuel 2:6; Revelation 1:18), but we're put here to glorify Him, to love and help others, and manage what He gives us. We don't know the one's God allows to live and the one's He permits to leave. Jesus gave us a new commandment in John 13:34, "Love one another as I have loved you." God puts eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and that makes us want to live and help others live. Those that struggle with suicidal thoughts don't want to die, they just want to escape the pain. When we become aware of concerns or crisis most people do whatever they can to help others in their suffering or try to make things better for future generations. For instance, seat belts have helped protect lives, helmets have protected heads, and there have been many medical advancements to help lives. Even with relationship struggles, counselors are available or rehabilitation centers to help those who struggle with substance abuse, or weight loss clinics, whatever it may be, we try to improve and extend the life we've been given. But because I believe in the supreme rule of God, Clark David's days were already numbered (Job 14:5) as mine and yours are. His life couldn't be extended. Why does God allow some to live "longer" and others to die "sooner?" Only God knows, but regardless of the timing, one out of one die. I know God permitted this because He is God (Romans 8:28-29). It doesn't mean there aren't consequences, but God uses all the messes that His children make and restores them to a place of beauty (Isaiah 61:3). With God there is no plan B, just plan A. We may have to take detours along the way, but we will eventually end up where we and God have chosen when we leave this life (that's a hot topic, so enough said about that). Every problem we have has an answer. JESUS IS THE ANSWER! Our hearts are sick and we need a heart transplant by the great Physician (Jeremiah 17:9). Once we ask and receive a new heart, by God's grace, Satan is always lurking around the corner wanting to lead us into temptation so he can destroy lives and our witness for Christ. The Deceiver is a master mind and wants in your mind to tell you lies and get you to believe them about youself and your situation to make you ineffective. As God's standards are compromised or just plain ignored, we'll continue to see more and more lives and families broken because times will get more evil (2 Timothy 3:13). It  may look like Satan is winning. He's not. The enemy is defeated! The last chapter of the story has been written and God wins."It may look like I'm surrounded, but I'm surrounded by You."

I received a text last night from another good friend, Brooke, who lives near the Auburn University campus. She told me that four college-age students shared with her just last week stories about someone close to them that had died by suicide. Recently, my sister and sister-in-law have told me of people they knew who have been affected by suicide in addition to each of them recently losing a close friend to a horrific murder-suicide. It's becoming commonplace to hear of such tragedies. Which reminds me all the more of how important it is to reach out, notice warning signs, and talk and connect to people, face-to-face connection, to be intentional about loving your neighbor as yourself. So many people are hurting, depressed, and many times remain silent. We all want to be accepted and loved and it takes a caring heart to notice a broken one. Brooke's campus minister has asked her to give a message on suicide this week which is a small, but important part of helping break the silence, stigma, and be part of the solution. That hits close to home for her because Clark David was a good friend and stays close to her heart.

Since my son's earthly death almost four years ago, I am hearing more awareness stories around the nation in an effort to shed light on this sensitive topic. In my own community, local ministries and leaders came together last Friday evening for a special event to pray for families who have lost someone due to suicide and resources were available and distributed through Cook Ministries. For more information about Cook Ministries, call 256-338-2340, email at CookMinistries@gmail.com or visit www.facebook.com/CookMinistries. Another resource is also Anthem of Hope (www.anthemof hope.org) who will help you find Christian counselors in your area. Focus on the Family is an excellent source of  information on teens, depression, and suicide with biblical wisdom to help find the true source of Hope (focusonthefamily.com and search suicide). I have found the best articles on their website to help parents with real stories and suggestions on how to help and to pray and read the Bible with their teens. God's Word, the source of life, is the story of how God never leaves or forsakes His people. Anything to help one's focus on the positives in life instead of the crisis at the moment. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is always open at 800-273-TALK (8255). Don't leave someone alone if they are threatening suicide, call 911 or get help for them.

Even though it's considered "old news" now, on June 5, 2018, Kate Spade (American fashion designer) and Anthony Bourdain (American chef and television personality), just three days later died by suicide. Sixteen days later, news of Bridgette Marshall (Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall's wife) died by suicide. During the first week of June as the lives of these two prominent celebrities were being discussed, I came across an article I wanted to forget. It talked about people that die by suicide and it stated they don't go to Heaven. Funny thing about it was, they didn't mention that same thing about those that murder or abort babies. I guess "their" standards allow or justify for that. Not that I can set the record straight in people's minds, only God can do that as He does with me, but God makes it clear in Scripture....the only "unpardonable sin" is not accepting and believing on His Son the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Those that don't truly know Christ and aren't born-again believers, will die in their sins and be eternally punished in Hell. You don't have to believe me, but it's Truth. There is too much evidence for it not to be true. Search the Scriptures for yourself. That is the proof! If not, read "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel or watch the movie by the same name. Jesus is God's Son and was crucified on a cross to save mankind from his sins, past, present, and future sins which includes all sins. All sin is disobedience before a holy God and God holds each person accountable, but those who are born-again believers are no longer condemned (Romans 3:28; 8:15-17). Only God is the judge of one's heart. Only He truly knows what happens before someone ends their life. We know by the Bible it is sin, but God is just in all He does.
 For a believer, the atoning efficacy of Christ's blood covers every sin and every mistake he or she has ever done or will ever do. Scriptures states plainly that God's grace and mercy are beyond our understanding. They declare that His judgments are unsearchable and past finding out (Romans 11:33). There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord -"neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing" (Romans 8:38, 39)
(focusonthefamily.com suicide, heaven, and eternal destiny).
Which reminds me of a gospel concert I went to Sunday night. Joseph Habedank, who has a powerful PERSONAL TESTIMONY of getting hooked on opiods and by God's grace overcame it, uses his amazing voice to glorify the Lord with song. In a previous blog post I highlighted this song, but it's worth repeating. Hearing it live was truly a blessing. As I stated above, Jesus' blood covers every sin, and that's the BEAUTY OF THE BLOOD.

 Heaven is real, Hell is real, and Jesus IS coming back and no one but the heavenly Father knows when. Heaven will be filled with sinners like you and me, if we put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus before our life on Earth ends, His blood covers it all.

So, how can you be sure where you're going when you leave this life, no matter how it ends? Well, today I heard a statistic that 94 % of Americans say they believe in God. Pastor Jack Graham said, "It's possible to believe in Jesus and die and wake up in Hell. Even the demons believe. We can say the right words, practice a right religion, but not possess salvation. To be saved means all your sins are forgiven. Jesus lives in you, His presence is present in your life. If you believe in God congratulations, you have the faith of a demon because they believe in God too. They aren't even agnostic or atheist. They believe. Many people have the faith of a demon. They believe Jesus is a good man. The best man. I believe in Jesus they say, but I'm just not in to it. I'm a C student so to speak. I'm pretty sure when I die I will be in a better place. I'm better than others. Well, the demons believe in God and tremble! They actually shudder." He went on to say, "If your religion hasn't changed your life, you better change your religion. Only Jesus can change your life. It's not about head knowledge of Jesus, it's about heart knowledge. Heart knowledge is authentic faith." It's been said, "We practice what we believe, all else is just mere religious talk." As the title to Lauren Daigle's new song, "LOSING MY RELIGION" reminds me...it's not all about what I do for the Lord, but what He has already done for me. There's nothing I can do to earn my entrance into Heaven, it's by grace through faith, but I can do nothing and not accept Jesus' free gift of salvation and gain entrance into Hell. One of two choices. I pray you've made or make the right choice before your time on Earth ends (And just as it is appointed for people to die once--and after this the judgment--Hebrews 9:27).

 I lit this candle in memory of Clark David and the thousands of others who have died by suicide as I prayed for my family and family's affected, that they will look to the cross and to the God of all comfort and the only One who can heal their soul.

 Jesus can and will heal every wound - "Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; Save me and I will be saved, For You are my praise." Jeremiah 17:14 NASB 

I thought of you today, but that is nothing new. 
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
I think of you in silence, I often speak your name.
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake from which I'll never part.
God has you in His arm, I have you in my heart
(In loving memory...Uncle Matt).

We wait in hope for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in You
 (Psalm 33:20-22)

I'm also remembering tonight the 2,996 people that lost their lives on the 9.11 terrorists attacks and their families. Any type of loss or loss of life is difficult, but God is still on His throne ruling and reigning, all His promises are true, and one day soon Jesus is coming back to get His own. He will make everything right. Look up, look to the cross, see how much God loves... redemption is drawing nigh (Luke 21:28).

Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest"
(Matthew 11:28 NLT).
Run to Jesus, cry out to Him! He's always waiting.

Put your hope in Jesus Christ alone....
"Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." 1 John 3:2-3.


If you are battling with depression, addiction, or suicidal thoughts, please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You are not weak for admitting your need for help! You are not a burden to anyone! Don't believe the lies in your head! YOU ARE LOVED, but more importantly, you are loved by God, your Maker. Help IS available. Choose to talk to someone, share your feelings and get help!

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Month of March

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
 the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,
 who comforts us in all our troubles,
 so that we can comfort those in any trouble
 with the comfort we ourselves receive from God
 (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

There are two extra special days on the calendar for me in March. One is sweet. The other, bittersweet. March 19th is sweet. The day my daughter was born. She is special and precious, just like all my children. But five days prior to celebrating Tess' birthday (year 15 -driver's permit time), the 14th hits which is my first son's birthday and what would've been his 23rd. This day has now become sweet and bitter since his passing away over three years ago. I have reason to rejoice in both birthdays, but celebrating a life not here isn't as easy nor as fun. I do celebrate the gift of Clark David, it's just a different kind of celebration. 

Prior to the 14th, the 10th also filled my calendar with my middle son, Tucker ('s), senior prom. Each March I'm filled with various emotions anyway because of their birthdays within five days of each other and then the prom four days before that stirs more emotions and memories inside my mind! God knows what's best though. He's already designed each day with me in mind (and you) and where He wants me to be (and you). I'm glad He fills days with many exciting, happy times to counterbalance the sadder more lonely times filled with lost dreams, regrets, and distant memories (and longings for Clark David).

I thought this birthday may be the one I don't post anything. Nothing had really come to mind to write. Well, nothing in particular. Unendingly I'm reminded of his absence by countless thoughts that I want to get out, however I don't want them to be forced just for the sake of writing. I want God to initiate and use it as He sees fit. As I've mentioned, my passion is to write the story God has put in my heart as to what happened to Clark David through my eyes, but it just hasn't come to ink yet. It seems God keeps saying "wait."

 A couple of days prior to March 14th this year, as I reflected on that day, a picture came to mind. My family's long time friend, Wendy, met us at one of Clark David's favorite restaurants this time last year to help celebrate and remember his life. Little did I know she would show up with a cake in his memory. I quickly noticed the Bible verse of "2 Corinthians 1" written on it. Upon returning home and settling in I looked up the verse. I had read it and heard it many times before and even recited it to others, but it wasn't until the cake picture popped in my thoughts did I think to read the chapter more closely. This is what I felt the need to write about. As previous posts have mentioned, God continues to send blessings (messages) through my trial to reveal Himself and this time it was delivered on a cake. As I meditated on the text and pondered all God has done in my life and what He is still teaching me, His plan and purpose became more clear...

So, my plan was to share what God was showing me through that Scripture and post it on his birthday, but God had other plans that day... 

I was glad to have the privilege of having breakfast with Michael, one of Clark David's close friends on the 14th. It was a special time and blessing! The rest of the day was devoted to other obligations, then dinner with my husband, Tess, Tucker and his friend Maddy in memory of Clark David's birthday. Later, as I was thinking of retiring for the night, I mentioned to Tess that I just didn't think I would have time to do a blog post for his birthday. She looked disappointed and I could tell had been looking forward to it. 

Tess didn't know it at the time, but she encouraged me with her words and spurred me on. I started writing that night and now as March is coming to an end,  I've literally had an ongoing post in my head as God keeps revealing things to me to this day. That's nothing new though; my whirling thoughts aren't just reserved for March. They usually stay at the forefront of my mind since Clark David's been gone. I guess that's why I want to get them out. Though therapeutic for me, my intent in writing any of these posts is to journal my faith journey. God has reminded me several times, it's not the length of my life that matters, but the impact I make and the legacy I leave behind. As I write what God reveals, and I know He puts those thoughts there, He will use them. If I write for an audience of One, or two (my daughter) it's worth the time and effort. I trust He will take care of the results. I keep thinking it's really too late for all this this month. March of 2018 is almost gone! My mind says,"You repeat yourself too much, you can't stay focused, you're too detailed, you share too much, people have their own lives and don't care, you aren't good at articulating your thoughts, it's too difficult, it takes too much effort and oh, with the length of your posts you're breaking blogging rules (I don't know if there's such a thing, but I'm guessing there is), but God keeps prompting me and saying trust Me, listen to Me, it will be right and right on time. By the way, I just happen to mention to Tess the  negative thoughts I had and she said, "Mom, those are just all lies from the Enemy." She's right, they are. She has seen the powerful force of the Enemy. That's where all the battles start and rage on, in the mind (which reminds me of Clark David's story that prayerfully will culminate one day).

March 14
I stayed up late writing and the next morning as I flipped over one of my daily devotional calendars, Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman, it read: Christ is building His Kingdom with the broken things of Earth. People desire only the strong, successful, victorious, and unbroken things in life to build their kingdoms, but God is the God of the unsuccessful--the God of those who have failed. Heaven is being filled with Earth's broken lives, and there is no "bruised reed" (Isaiah 42:3) that Christ cannot take and restore to a glorious place of blessing and beauty. He can take a life crushed by pain or sorrow and make it a harp whose music will be total praise. He can lift Earth's saddest failure up to Heaven's glory. --J.R.Miller

The above devotional inspired me. It's all the more reason I felt compelled to write.

In 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 Paul was writing to the Christians in Corinth. The Living Bible states it this way, 'What a wonderful God we have -He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does He do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us. You can be sure that the more we undergo sufferings for Christ, the more He will shower us with His comfort and encouragement...in our trouble God has comforted us -and this, too, to help you: to show you from our personal experience how God will tenderly comfort you when you undergo these same sufferings. He will give you the strength to endure. I think you ought to know, dear brothers, about the hard time we went through...we were overwhelmed and feared we would never live through it. We felt doomed to die and saw how powerless we were to help ourselves: but that was good, for then we put everything into the hands of God, who alone could save us, for He can even raise the dead. And He did help us, and saved us from a terrible death; yes, and we expect Him to do it again and again. But you must help us too, by praying for us. For much thanks and praise will go to God from you who see His wonderful answers to your prayers..."

Last August, God led me to a blog post by Vaneetha Rendall Riser (danceintherain.com) titled, "What it Means to be Held." She talks of how a song by Natalie Grant, "HELD," written about her son (who happened to die on the same month and day as Clark David), was so instrumental in "seeing purpose in my suffering was more redemptive than I ever imagined. Though it didn't take away the pain, it did take away its sharp sting. Knowing that God was using my loss made it a little easier to endure." It helped her see how God uses all of our suffering for our joy and His glory. She says God has also met her as she talks to others who have experienced their own suffering. She is often tempted to shy away from sharing because she doesn't want to relive the agony. It's often less painful to stay on the surface with struggling people. It's easier to remain detached. But inevitably when she does that, she leaves emptier and more burdened. She says I know how much it meant to me to talk to others who had walked similar paths...She went on to say, just talking to them gave her hope for the future. What I loved was the following paragraph that summed up 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, "God uses us to comfort one another with the comfort that we ourselves have received from God. It is both a privilege and a responsibility. And as we tell others of God's faithfulness in the midst of trial, it reminds us afresh that God will never forsake us. Though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we never walk alone." I also found a post with the same title dated 3.27.14 which said, "At the same time, when I am willing to shoulder another's burden, my own load lightens. Perhaps it's because Jesus is carrying both of us. So when I meet someone who is in the midst of a storm I've weathered, I need to be vulnerable. To initiate the conversation. To share my experience and listen to theirs. I can offer hope. Show them that God is sufficient. Offer evidence that they will heal, survive, and even thrive. I hear others asking the same questions I did: Will I make it through? Will the aching ever stop? Will I laugh again? The Lord has held me in my grief and comforted me through all my trials. And because of His tender care, I am able to encourage others who are suffering. And when I do, I myself am healing. I get stronger. I gain courage. I feel joy again."

From reading 2 Corinthians 1, I recalled the above journal I had written down in November of last year and went to find it. Those words tied in so well to what God was speaking to my heart already and what I felt He wanted me to share. I too want to see redemption as it relates to his death, in a big way, but God is teaching me that redemption is in so many small things. I am seeing that more and more. I am to DREAM SMALL. I heard that song by Josh Wilson just this week and was amazed again by how God speaks to me through lyrics, "There's nothing wrong with bigger dreams, just don't miss the minutes on your way to bigger things, 'cause these simple moments change the world, so dream small, don't buy the lie you gotta do it all, just let Jesus use you where you are, one day at a time, live well, loving God and others as yourself, find little ways where only you can help, with His great love, a tiny rock can make a giant fall, so dream small." A perfect song to go with this post and prom story below ;)  I see differently, to what my suffering and growth is producing. God is comforting me, is strengthening me, is helping me, is making me strong, and is making me brave. And with that comfort, He enables me to bring comfort to others. I am receiving God's comfort and hopefully giving it in return.

As I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death, God has given me a more compassionate heart, a heart that tries to encourage others, or just be available for someone, to reach out a helping hand, or share in their sorrows. Sometimes I'm prompted to initiate a conversation to share parts of my life story. On the outside all might look fine, so I know it's encouraging for others to see God's faithfulness. As I share, hearts are eager to hear how God is carrying me through and they are open to share what's going on in their lives. The conversation gives me an opportunity to remember them in prayer too. It's the prayers of fellow believers that continue to help in my healing. I am forever grateful for that! God has shown me as I reach out and do life together we're both encouraged which spurs us along in this journey of life.

 Jill, a friend of mine, recently asked me to join a 13-week video GriefShare (griefshare.org) group. She and I became friends after I reached out to her when her son was killed in a car wreck. Her son and Clark David actually graduated together so it hit close to home. Upon receiving my letter, she shared that she had prayed God would send someone that would understand. I happen to be that one. Not to say I don't still struggle, I definitely do, but I joined the class to be an encouragement to Jill and the group because as the verse on the cake reminded me again, the God of all comfort has comforted me in all my troubles and because of that I can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort I have received from Him. It was a blessing to meet others who are walking a similar road and hear their stories. It was beneficial for all of us. Though heartache is not a happy topic, much joy comes out of sharing your sorrow with those that have a heart to understand and listen. Tears sometimes flow, but God gives us tears for a reason, just like laughter, and by the way, there's no reason to apologize for those tears. The tears that fall, many times when least expected, are a source of healing and make my vision clearer. One thing I've heard more times than I can count since my experience is that people don't know what to do to help a person going through a difficult time. This is not only a great resource for a grieving person or someone experiencing any type of loss, but helpful for someone in understanding what a grieving friend or loved one is going through and how to minister to them.

While reading in 2 Corinthians 1, I continued reading further until I came to these verses:
I am hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:8-10).

These words have comforted me in my grief and made me think of a question I've been asked many times, "How are you?" I know it's a cultural thing, but when you're grieving it hits you differently. This question is heard many times a day whether going through grief or not. We've all asked it and still do, but I've noticed (maybe you have too) it doesn't matter your situation, sometimes people ask that without even really meaning it or aren't even aware of what they've asked because they keep on walking or attend to the next thing never intending for a reply. Our culture has grown so accustomed to that question and many times it's just a form of a rote greeting, but it's those few people that know you're in a trial or still struggle that ask, "No, really, how are you doing?". I don't get that much anymore, life goes on and my life should be about pointing others to Jesus and drawing attention to Him not me. I must decrease and He must increase. Some people, however do genuinely want to know how does one deal with the death of a child and want to know how's life going? I've been asked twice this month, "How are you really doing?" I appreciate those genuinely concerned and would say, "With God's help through His Word and the Holy Spirit, He alone comforts, sustains, and supplies me with strength and abounding grace. Through my deepest grief, He has been the nearest and has taught me the most. Therefore, I want to extend that same comfort He has given me and point others to the One that can be their Helper and OVERCOMER. I am hard pressed on every side, but I am not defeated because I have hope. ALL MY HOPE IS IN JESUS. I have a way of escape because with my last breath I will be FINALLY HOME. I am perplexed, but definitely not in despair because I know all God's promises are true and He is coming to ransom His redeemed. I am persecuted because I share in Christ's suffering, but I am never abandoned. He never leaves me alone. I am struck down, but not destroyed. It's Christ who picks me up and gives me a firm place to stand and makes my steps secure. I will not be moved. I WILL NOT BE SHAKEN. Because I have Christ I am able!

 These verses also reminded me of prom night and what happened when time came for the group to head out to dinner. Tucker and his friends were leaving the photo shoot area and his friend, Josh, unintentionally bumped up against a knee-high tall hurricane glass globe that stood over a candle on the walkway; right in the way! I was standing right next to Josh as it fell over and crashed and broke into many pieces and slivers. He looked up and said, "They shouldn't have put that there!" I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head. Thankfully, Barbara, a friend of mine was standing close by and she and I started trying to clear the area. While she went to get a broom people were walking by unknowingly stepping on the glass, not paying a bit of attention or even seeing the shattered glass until the crunching of the sound underfoot caught their attention, but then kept walking right on by. I helped as she swept up all the broken glass and discarded it into the trash...

The next day I received a picture from Josh's sister, Brooke. Her dad, Steve, had candidly captured me helping Josh put on his mask for picture taking. I stared at the picture. I thought about the happenings of the day and saw how God had placed me right where I needed to be to lend a hand and be a small part. The theme of the prom, "masquerade" came to mind and the broken glass. Life many times is like a masquerade. As the dictionary defines it, a disguise or false outward appearance; a charade; to put on a deceptive appearance; a pretense. We all put on our masks in life to masquerade our pain and we are good at it. We try and hide behind all of our brokenness and want everyone to think our lives are fine, good, all nice and tidy when really, we are all living some sort of broken and if we aren't (which is highly unlikely) we will be soon. That's life. Ups and downs. Now I'm not saying we should go around all doom and gloom, but sharing our lives, as I mentioned above, helps us understand each other. It shows we're real, not trying to live behind a mask. IF WE'RE HONEST  and open our heart to others, we sometimes see others have some of the same struggles we do and we feel better knowing we don't walk alone. But we can have more comfort in knowing God sees and HE KNOWSHe doesn't walk on by unaware. He's right there beside us eager to lend His hand and help pick up all the broken pieces and shards of our lives. All the shattered parts of our heart and soul. And our souls are shattered because of sin and are in desperate need of reconciliation. God can fix all of that too when we trust in Him. Because He is God, nothing is wasted in Him. He will put back together what has been completely splintered. He alone is faithful (to the unfaithful). He picks us up and remakes us. He is making a beautiful masterpiece to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. "Hold on" I "hear" Him say. "I'm not finished yet. You will see and understand soon. You are BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN and that's what I use to build My Kingdom."

Which reminds me of today, Good Friday, the day Jesus was broken and spilled out for us.There was not one thing "good" about that day (Matthew 27:32-56; John 19:1-42; Luke 23:26-43; Mark 15:21-41). But God....uses all the evil and broken! It was "good" because three days later, He would rise and appear to many (Matthew 27:53; Mark 16:9: Luke 24:1-8; John 20:1-30). He is risen. He is alive! And He is coming back soon...it's not over (Revelation 1:7)...
THE KING IS COMING! Are you ready?

Prom 2018 - Tucker & Maddy
Tucker & Maddy
Happy Birthday, Tess!

Prom - March 2013
Alex & Clark David
Prom- March 2013
Alex & Clark David
Clark David's passing has caused me to think differently, eternally. I'm more aware of God's hand in everything! It takes awhile to see that God uses everything, even my children to teach me and conform me to His Son's image. I look forward to seeing my Savior and Lord, and want to share His message of hope. I'm grateful God is using Clark David (each of my children) to teach me so much through this heartbreaking separation. I have this feeling as if I'm "forgetting" Clark David if I don't post something. I know I won't forget him nor anyone who loved him, but as the weeks, months, and years pass by his memory continues fading, more rapidly it seems. No one forgets a special someone, that's just how feel. It's therapeutic to me to write and a way I can keep his memory alive. As the song WRITE YOUR STORY says, I asked God to make His mark on my heart. As long as there's breath, my story is still being written and so is yours. I pray He make His mark and write His story on your heart.

Happy Birthday!
I miss you so much!
I love you, Clark David, more than you could've ever known!!!
But, you are experiencing how great you are loved by your Creator and that alone comforts me.

I'm grateful for the many friends and family who send me notes of encouragement, special messages, and prayers for my family on these harder days, and it comforts me greatly to know Clark David's life is remembered. Tears come and go. They are God's love language to us and He catches them all and holds them in His bottle. He keeps track of them (Psalm 56:8). They are important to Him. I'm grateful that my trials have caused me to long for Jesus' appearing and given me a closer relationship with Him. I have Heaven to look forward to where there will be no more sadness, tears, pain or separation and no more goodbye's. My tears don't come as often. Oh they're still there and swell when I least expect it, like now as I write, but they remind me of how much I love and how much I am loved by my heavenly Father.

To God be the glory great things He has done!

 God's using my suffering to advance His Kingdom.These trials make me a partner with Christ in His suffering. I share in His suffering so that I may share in His glory (Romans 8:17; 1 Peter 4:13). I pray I will walk in a manner worthy of His calling on my life (Colossians 1:10; Ephesians 4:1).
He continues healing me...

Psalm 145:17-21
The Lord is fair in everything He does and full of kindness. He is close to all who call on Him sincerely. He fulfills the desires of those who reverence and trust Him; He hears their cries for help and rescues them. He protects all those who love Him, but destroys the wicked. I will praise the Lord and call on all men everywhere to bless His holy name forever and forever.


If you are battling with depression, addiction, or suicidal thoughts, please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You are not weak for admitting your need for help! You are not a burden to anyone! Don't believe the lies in your head! YOU ARE LOVED, but more importantly, you are loved by God, your Maker. Help IS available. Choose to talk to someone, share your feelings and get help!