Blanket of Love Can God Speak Through a Blanket? A Lesson on Seeing God in Everything |
February, the month of love or love month many people refer to it as, is now behind us for another year. But my "blanket of love" blog post idea was brought back to mind. And the fact we've been using this blanket on cold winter nights, has caused me to think of it again. I planned to do a post in 2019, but the timing was never right. It's perfect timing now. The month of March.
I've positioned myself in a place I never thought I would. A place that never crossed my mind, until a few months ago. God. Only God could do this. And He did. There's a story behind how He did it, but to save space and details for now, today (Sunday, March 13th) is the first time I find myself at a desk writing from Clark David's room, seated in the very spot where his lifeless body was found. See death entered his mind and heart that day, BUT GOD! The same place death was allowed to overtake him, God is bringing forth new life in many ways, and sizes.
In Revelation 21:5 in the Holy Bible it says God is making all things new. That tells me He's in the process of making all things new. Of course, that's speaking of the new Heaven and the new Earth, but those that are *born-again believers are also being made new (2 Corinthians 5:17). So, if I'm a growing Christian that means I'm being made new which to me also means a new way of viewing things and a new way of thinking because I've been given the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) and my mind is being renewed (Romans 12:2).
As I entered his room to write Sunday, I turned on some Christian music first. As I sang the lyrics, I turned around to look outside and a red and black-spotted tiny creature caught my attention. A little ladybug was strolling about the trim around the window. About a month ago Zach the bug man, as I call him, came to spray. I had vacuumed Clark David's room and vacuumed the many dead ladybugs up. I had not seen them in any other room in our house. At first, I thought they're still here, as I went back to what I was doing. But then I stopped and thought wait, it's moving. Life. A sign of life! These ladybugs weren't dead. I saw it as God reminding me of what He already had several months before. He was going to do a new thing and bring new life from a place of death. I got curious. I Googled a couple different topics about ladybugs. Now some of it was far-fetched about ladybugs being spirit animals and good luck and such, but another search led to something that caught my attention, *"Can God Speak Through A Ladybug? A Lesson On Striving." Margaret, the author of the article, ended her post with a question. When has God used an unexpected encounter with a small creature to awaken you to the wonder of God's presence and the work He's doing? I thought, just now Margaret, just now! If my eyes and heart are open to what God is doing all around me, I will see Him in *"EVERYTHING." Not literally in everything, but how He works in everything. No matter what God uses or what shape or size it comes in, I'm grateful He gives me eyes to see and ears to hear Him as His presence is made known to me.
In the winter of 2019, my husband and I joined a 7-week class at our church that went through a book many people are familiar with and if you've not read it, I'm certain you've heard of it by Gary Chapman. Chapman's book, "The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts" summary is this: "It shows couples how to make their love last by learning to recognize the unique way their partner feels love. We learn the remedy for all problems modern couples face. Dr. Gary Chapman is a marriage counselor who has found a proven method for making love last." Also, I read his favorite quote on this link, "True love cannot begin until the "in love" experience has run its course." I disagree. True love cannot begin until both people are born-again believers because if we don't have the Helper, the Holy Spirit, living inside of us (received at salvation) we won't be able to love like Jesus commands us to.
No offense at all to this widely known author/speaker who no doubt has helped lots of people, but upon further contemplation and seeking God's Word from the Author of love Himself on how He defines love (1 Corinthians 13) I saw several concerns to Chapman's book (Google "what's wrong with the five love languages," if you want and you might agree with things you find). And "the secret to love that lasts" is Jesus at the center, centered around God's Word. Jesus makes a love last. We have to get to truly know Jesus so Jesus can get into us so we can love others well. We cannot do this without the Holy Spirit, nor God's Word. That's a bold statement and tall order to say "We learn the remedy for all problems modern couples face." The remedy for all problems couples face or anyone for that matter is Jesus. Jesus has the answers that don't cost and arm and a leg either. Jesus is *"THE ANSWER."
I've been seeing for quite some time where we've taken God, His Word the Bible, and His way of doing things out of so many areas of our lives, thinking we have a better way or don't need Him (until a crisis arises) and just do things like the world programs us to do. Just look around, if you haven't already at our government, schools, counseling clinics, and so on. Things aren't getting better by pushing God, His way, and His Book aside basically telling Him we don't need Him. We can handle it all, our way. And by the way, Chapman's series of books have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide and have been translated into 50 languages. Do you see more love in the world today? Are there less divorces? The author's intent I'm sure was from a pure heart, but for me, I see where it could potentially lead to a co-dependency relationship because we should never depend on another person to make us feel loved and keep our "love tank" full. By the way, what about single people? Who's going to meet their needs? Chapman may have a book for them too, but Jesus Christ is the only One who can fulfill and satisfy our God-given need for love and acceptance. He is also the only One who can truly love unconditionally.
"We have a generation of folks who change books. They use this book for some things, they use human understanding for other things, they use popular opinion for other things and wind up living in distress."
"The Bible has all the answers, but because folks change books, they have to have all these long meetings to try and come up with solutions. But no! You don't change books. You show them what God says about what's wrong (in your marriage, family, the nation) and give them practical steps to implement what God says (about your marriage, family, the nation). Then you ask the Holy Spirit to take their obedience and to bring about change in whatever the situation because God knows what He's doing when folks pay attention to what He says and begin to implement that."
"The Holy Bible has become for many people like the Queen of England, she's got position but no power! Will carry it, will hold it up, will put in on our phones, but it does not have authority." --Tony Evans
Mine and yours greatest need to be loved has been met. At the cross! It was met at the cross when Jesus bled and died to take away our sins. We can all go looking for love in all the wrong places sometimes, but when we meet Jesus Christ and He becomes Savior and Lord of our life, all the other relationships in our lives whether they be friends, family, or our spouse are just added bonuses to life. God uses them to change us. Don't get me wrong, relationships can bring much happiness and joy, but also many forms of heartache and pain. I've heard it once said that God designed marriage to attack our selfishness. I would add, He created all relationships to attack our selfishness and teach us how to love others by dying to ourselves, and by learning how to care for and serve others. Jesus Christ is our ultimate example of that.
I'm grateful the Lord saw fit for us to attend that class though. There were pluses and minuses, and blessings received too. One blessing came from being asked to make a handmade gift for our spouse to be presented to him/her in front of the class at the last session. I was presented with a beautiful piece of furniture to display at the entryway of our home built by Chad that I have so enjoyed and will treasure for as long as I have it. It's special to me too because above it I hung a picture of all three of our children, Clark David in the center holding both Tucker and Tess' hand as they walked down the sidewalk, as if they were taking a stroll on the beach together. I never knew what that picture would mean to me and how God would show me He's in everything until years later. Hanging directly under that picture are framed words that say, "We're all just walking each other Home."
I literally had no clue what I would make Chad. After Clark David passed away, a friend suggested making a blanket out of Clark David's t-shirts. I kept that in the back of my mind. One day I told a friend about this class we were in and asked her if she had any homemade gift ideas. After several suggestions she mentioned that she had made a blanket for her husband out of his old t-shirts. I knew then that's why this suggestion years ago had never come to pass. So, instead of making the blanket with just Clark David's shirts, I gathered up old t-shirts of Chad's, Tucker's, Tess', and mine. My friend Pam was so gracious to help me make this happen. I'm grateful for her suggestion and skills. As I thought about each shirt and how to design the blanket, a song came to mind that we had been singing at our church. God so used that to speak to my heart about. Whether I realize it at the time or not, He's in everything and everything points to Him. He showed me so much through those lyrics. It's hard to articulate here how God touched me and revealed more of how this sanctification process works when one comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). He orchestrates everything and brings life to dead things. The spouse He ordained for me to marry was all because of Jesus. He knows me and knows what I needed to make me and mold me into the newer me. One day soon I'm going to meet Him face-to-face and He's preparing me for that day. He saved me first of all, when I surrendered my life to Him and became a Christian, which started my sanctification process. Later, He made me Chad's wife. Next, He gave me three children. All of the people that have come into my life (especially family) have made me and are making me into the person I'm becoming. All of this for Him and His glory and to be an ambassador for Him so others can know Him too.
The trajectory of my life was greatly altered when my son took his own life. I didn't know some of the things I know now. Pain is the best teacher, but for me, the pain doesn't leave. It lingers. It's harder (for me). It hasn't gotten better. Naturally, it's not as grueling and raw as it was the day it happened, but time does not heal these type wounds. My daughter texted me last night, the day before Clark David's birthday: "I thought it was supposed to get better with time but it's worse." Oh, how I feel the sting of those words and hurt for her! I tried to encourage her with the truth that I know about God and the promises He is faithful to keep because He cannot lie. But that doesn't take the heartache away. God is still teaching me a lot about life and His perspective. I am still walking through the valley of the shadow of death. I will be until He calls me Home or comes back. If your experiencing the loss of a loved one who has gone Home to be with the Lord or dealing with any other type of a death, I hope the words I read recently will comfort you as they have me:
"God will lead you through, not around, the valley of the shadow of death. And, by the way, aren't you glad it's just a shadow?
Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse told of the occasion of his first wife's death. He and his children were driving home from the burial, overcome with grief. He searched for a word of comfort to offer but could think of nothing. Just then, a large moving van drove by. As it passed, the shadow of the truck swept over the car. An inspiration came to Dr. Barnhouse. He turned to his family and asked, "Children, would you rather be run over by a truck or by its shadow?"
The children said, "Well, of course, Dad, we'd rather be run over by the shadow. That can't hurt us at all."
Dr. Barnhouse explained, "Did you know that two thousand years ago the truck of death ran over the Lord Jesus . . . in order that only its shadow might run over us?
We face death, but thanks to Jesus, we only face its shadow."
--from When Mourning Comes adapted from "Traveling Light" by Max Lucado
Providentially, we received a letter in the mail last week from Campus Crusade for Christ that was written March 4th. They wrote to let us know they were sorry for the delay due to COVID restrictions, and the Bibles purchased in memory of our son would be used to share with others the message of God's love and forgiveness revealed in Jesus Christ. Wow! They have no idea how timely this letter was. It was delivered right on time from my perspective. God's time. Inside the envelope was also a short, six-page booklet with the story of Dr. Barnhouse and his children that was used to comfort and encourage me. I hope and pray it will be used to encourage you, Tess, and anyone else who reads this who struggles with the hard place you find yourself in. God is so good to send just what we need when we need it the most.
"This booklet asked some questions. Why won't sorrow leave you alone? Because you buried more than a person. You buried some of yourself. Wasn't it John Donne who said, "Any man's death diminishes me"? It's as if the human race resides on a huge trampoline. The movements of one can be felt by all. And the closer the relationship, the more profound the exit. When someone you love dies, it affects you. It affects your dreams. More than a person died. A dream died.
Why does grief linger? Because you are dealing with more than memories--you are dealing with unlived tomorrows. You're not just battling sorrow--you're battling disappointment. You're also battling anger.
It may be on the surface. It may subterranean. It may be a flame. It may be a blowtorch. But anger lives in sorrow's house. Anger at self. Anger at life. Anger at the military or the hospital or the highway system. But most of all, anger at God. Anger that takes the form of the three-letter question--why? Why him? Why her? Why now? Why us?"
Now, the author went on to say he cannot answer that question, but I somewhat disagree. No, I may not know specifically why one has to die from suicide and one has to die from cancer or a car wreck. And I may not know specifically why it happens at a certain age or to certain people and not others, but God is clear on why these trials come. First of all we live in a sin-fallen world (Genesis 3:6) where death is inevitable because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Then, Scripture tells us in James 1:2-4 that we are to consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. And Romans 5:3-5 says, "Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirt who has been given to us.
As I've heard Rick Burgess' (from the Rick and Bubba show) wife say, "I don't always like His methods, but I cannot argue with His results."
God knows perfectly well what He's doing, but the process can be really, really painful. I must continue to trust in God Most High.
Back to "love languages." I agree with Stormie Omartian who wrote a book I've had since 2001 and used as a prayer guide for many years called, "The Power of Praying Wife." On page 29 the subtitle reads, The Ultimate Love Language. Something amazing happens to our hearts when we pray for another person. The hardness melts. We become able to get beyond the hurts, and forgive. We even end up loving the person we are praying for. It's miraculous! It happens because when we pray we enter into the presence of God and He fills us with His Spirit of love. The love of God will grow in your heart and the other person's, especially your spouse. That's because prayer is the ultimate love language. It communicates in ways we can't. Talking to God about different relationships is an act of love. Prayer gives rise to love, love begets more prayer, which in turn gives rise to more love. Even if your praying is not born out of completely selfless motives, your motives will become more unselfish as prayer continues. You'll find yourself more loving in your responses. You'll notice that issues which formerly caused strife between you will no longer do that. You'll be able to come to mutual agreements without conflict.
Lord, help me love You with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind; help me love my neighbor (people) as You have loved me. (Matthew 22:37; John 13:34).
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for another (John 13:35).
Seeing God in everything is the only thing that will make me loving and patient with people who annoy and trouble me. Then I will see others as the instruments God uses to accomplish His tender and wise purpose for me, and I will even find myself inwardly thanking them for the blessing they have become to me. Nothing but seeing God will completely put an end to all complaining and thoughts of rebellion. --Hannah Whitall Smith from Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman
"All Because of Jesus -the two, Chad & Beth, become one (Genesis 2:24). It's His blanket of love that covers all five, Clark David, Tucker & Tess, Ephesians 2:4-7" |
The word "cover" in red symbolizes the blood of Christ that covers sin . . . there's nothing but the blood that can wash away our sin and make us whole again.
Giver of every breath I breathe, Author of all eternity, Giver of every perfect thing, To You be the glory
Maker of Heaven and of Earth, No one can comprehend Your worth, King over all the universe, To You be the glory
And I am alive because I'm alive in You
And it's all because of Jesus I'm alive, It's all because the blood of Jesus Christ, It covers me and raised this dead man's life, It's all because of Jesus I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive.
Every sunrise sings Your praise, The universe cries out Your praise, Singing freedom all my days, Now that I'm alive.
You can be free and be raised to new life in Christ. Eternal life and not eternal death.
Whoever believes in Me, as Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him (John 7:38).
Some of us are troubled, wondering why the Holy Spirit doesn't fill us. The problem is that we have plenty coming in, but we are not giving out to others. If you will give the blessing you have received, planning your life around greater service and being a blessing to those around you, then you will quickly find that the Holy Spirit is with you. He will bestow blessings to you for service, giving you all He can trust you to give away to others. --from Days of Heaven upon Earth (Streams in the Desert)
If you want to know how to be born-again, I encourage you to hover over the word "born-again" in the second paragraph from the top and see how. Yes, Heaven is real, but Hell is too. You must be born-again to enter into the Kingdom.
Happy 8th Birthday with our Lord, Clark David (a little late which doesn't matter).
I love you so much. I miss you so much! I know it's part of God's permissive will, but that doesn't make any less painful for me. I know something's missing, but praise Jesus it's all temporary. And one day losses will be turned into many more gains. I will get to meet Jesus soon too. I cannot wait to be reunited with you!! Until then, Jesus is faithful. He will give me strength to persevere, all for His glory. He is *FAITHFUL till the end!
I'm grateful the Lord brought to my mind not long after I awakened Monday, March 14th a song I found many months ago. I don't remember exactly how I came across it, but I read about Fanny Crosby. She was blind early in her life and became famous for writing many church hymns. As I was reminded by her lyrics, you are "Safe in the arms of Jesus." It was such a comfort to hear those words and know "Sin cannot harm me (you) there. Free from the blight of sorrow, free from doubts and fears."
*"SAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUS" (click for song and story)
But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:22).
*Hover over red words to listen to songs or read articles.
Thank you so much to Pam W. for the idea of the blanket and all your help! Thank you to Laura D. for your contribution in monogramming the words the Lord gave me through the song. The blanket brings warmth and comfort to us. I hope it will be as special to Tucker and Tess one day. I hope they don't fight over it, ha, ha!
Now, I'm looking forward to celebrating my third child Saturday. Tucker, my midddle, had a birthday on "Twosday" February 22, 2022. And guess what? He turned 22!! That doesn't happen often ;), Clark David was next (We had dinner at the Outback together in your memory Clark David. . . always bittersweet). Tess will be 19 on Saturday, March 19th. It's her golden birthday. Happy Birthday, Tess!
Happy Palindrome Birthday (a number or word that can be read the same way forwards/backwards)! LOL Tucker. As Maddy said, "It won't happen again." |
If this t-shirt is ever used for a blanket one day, I hope you're still here.
We love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).
Jesus said to him, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."
Matthew 22:37-39