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Sketch of Clark David by Anna Cleveland November 2014 |
12:45 a.m. March 1, 2020
I don't know why I'm up so late.
I don't know why I haven't been able to write lately.
I don't know why my September blog I spent so much time on was never completed.
I don't know why things happen exactly as they do...
But, I do know that there is a God who knows all things and is in absolute control of everything! God Almighty, the Most High God is sovereign over everything, including time! He created them both. He spoke time into being, but He's not boxed into time like we are. God doesn't need a clock because He's not controlled by time. He operates on an eternal clock.
Do you find yourself checking the clock numerous times a day? Or wonder when something you want to happen is going to take place? Don't we get ourselves into messes thinking we know better than God? Don't we many times forget to pray and ask Him what we should do? Then, many times we do what we think is best and get ahead of Him and miss His best for us. His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). His timing is perfect! Even if it doesn't seem right to us at the time, everything is on His schedule to be used how He sees fit (for our good). He's working all the time even when we cannot see it. Even when things look really, really bad to us....He is still working in the midst of it all.
Do you find yourself checking the clock numerous times a day? Or wonder when something you want to happen is going to take place? Don't we get ourselves into messes thinking we know better than God? Don't we many times forget to pray and ask Him what we should do? Then, many times we do what we think is best and get ahead of Him and miss His best for us. His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). His timing is perfect! Even if it doesn't seem right to us at the time, everything is on His schedule to be used how He sees fit (for our good). He's working all the time even when we cannot see it. Even when things look really, really bad to us....He is still working in the midst of it all.
It's hard to articulate how grief and loss discombobulated my calendar. It's not as confusing as it once was. I'm able to think more clearly (my children wouldn't say so ;)), but it's really made me think of time differently. Some may blame it on age and maybe that has something to do with it now, but I've never experienced things gone so out of whack. Psalm 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom," as if this one were our last. That's not to say we live in fear because God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). And it doesn't mean that we think about death morbidly, but our lives are a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away (James 4:14). When you lose someone you love you see how real this verse is. So, we should consider the shortness of our days. It's good to plan and set goals, but no need to be too rigid because we never know the moment it can all change (just look at all the schedule changes with the Coronavirus now). We never know when we get a dreaded phone call or receive news that rips our heart out. Life is really so short. I tend to focus more on today, giving tomorrow less thought than I once did. No wonder I forgot an appointment this week. Oh, well. His time is the right time. And by the way, if we don't apply our heart to wisdom, that leaves us with no common sense. Hmm... I wonder why it's hard to find toilet tissue on the shelves of stores? As my sister brought to my attention recently while in a grocery store, why, when the toilet tissue shelf is empty do you still see an abundance of napkins to purchase? Common sense may be lost (unless we’re really not in dire straits). The items are basically the same just a different shape and thickness. Sorry, I digressed.
"A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
"A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
Saturday evening February 29th, Tess said, "Tomorrow is March 1st, my birth month." Wow, I thought, already March again. I said, "That's right, it sure is." Sounds like I need to look at the calendar more.
As a mom with two children born in the month of March, I naturally think of their two birthdays simultaneously. I never think of one without the other. One child here doesn't erase the existence of the other one not here. It's always a reminder of a life gone. But it's also a reminder of another gift of life still to be lived...both to be celebrated, just differently. One child's birthday doesn't take precedence over another child's. They're equally important to me. Two very special gifts. One male, the other female. So different, but so much alike.
God blessed Chad and me with three children. Unless something happens to my memory, I won't forget each one, each child's uniqueness, character, and personality. As I'm continuing to see, each one teaches me something different. As parents we sometimes tend to think (or I did) that we do all the teaching and training. But I'm finding out more and more that God uses them to teach me. Probably without them knowing it, I've had to learn to be more patient, not ask too many questions, pick the right timing, serve more, love more, and pray more. I fail! None of these things have been mastered, but the Lord is helping me. But something God has taught me that I've learned no other way, came through the earthly death of my eldest son Clark David. The Lord, through Clark David, has taught me to cry out to Him in my despair. I've not stopped calling out to Him since. He's my constant help and companion. You see, when God is all you have, you realize He is all you need. He is the great Counselor, Healer, Redeemer, Restorer, Deliverer. He is everything I need. He sustains and satisfies. As Jeremy Camp says in his interview linked below, when a trial hits, you have two choices, run to God or run away! Crying out to the Lord is the only way that you will be saved and rescued, redeemed and restored.
The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song will I praise Him. (Psalm 28:7)
Sometimes I still get a feeling or that look, that people feel sorry for me. I mean I understand sharing in someone's sorrow because we're to weep with those who weep (and rejoice with those who rejoice -Romans 12:15), but I'm talking about that look. If you've been there you know. If you haven't, you don't and that's okay. But it's those people that I feel sorry because they must not have what I have or they've not yet experienced a fiery affliction and cried out to the Lord. This pain and affliction has brought me so much closer to my heavenly Father and for that I'm grateful. I've been asked before, if you could change it would you? If you could have your son back, would you reverse this? I would not. Because I wouldn't know the Lord as intimately as I do and see what I see if it hadn't been for this. You see, He uses pain and suffering to reveal Himself to us and put us on a different course if we allow Him to. He uses sorrow to teach me His ways (Psalm 119). He uses affliction to take the love of the world out of me and make me think eternally (Colossians 3:2). You might be thinking, 'I don't know if I could say that if it happened to me.' I'm not sure I could've said it either before this happened, but I know I will get Clark David back. I will see him again. I have that peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).You may be thinking, but don't you miss him? Don't you love him? Don't you hurt still? YES!YES! And YES! I think of him so often, especially through music. Some days through tears still. I think about Tucker and Tess too though, many times a day, but usually not through tears. They're here with me so I think of them more I'm sure, but there isn't a day that I don't think of Clark David many times a day and wonder what he's doing. That's why when I hear Tess mention her birthday, I automatically think of him too. It's funny how children want to know which child is the favorite. Sadly, we know and can tell sometimes parents and grandparents do have favorites. Look at Joseph in the Bible. But as I've explained in years past to my children, just as God has enough love to go around for all His children, I too have the capacity to love each child unconditionally with enough to go around. Just because I've learned so much through Clark David's life and because God "speaks" to me through this suffering, doesn't mean I love him more. I love them all deeply... the same.
As the time indicates above, early March 1st, after everyone was asleep (I wasn't sleepy) I started reading and praying. Later, before retiring for the night, I checked my junk email. For some reason lots of emails are winding up there and I hadn't realized it until recently. To my surprise I quickly noticed a new blog post from February 19th by Karen Harmening entitled, "GRIEVING TOO LONG?" (see post). I clicked. I'm always anxious to read her writing because I can relate to her and most of the time the Lord has shown me similar things. She sometimes ends her post with a song/video and as I scrolled, I saw she had. The title of the song caught my attention. I wasn't familiar with it. As I started to listen, the tears fell, one right after the other. Wow, I wasn't expecting that. A rush of emotions and a bitter but sweet song. Yet another reminder of his absence, but also another reminder of God's love, grace, and mercy. How perfect. Timing is everything. It was meant for me to hear and be reminded of Heaven (not that I need reminding) on the first day of his birthday month, 13 days before what would've been his 25th birthday. But instead, he's going to spend his sixth birthday in the presence of the Lord which is far better (Hebrews & Philippians 1:21).
Providentially, later that evening, Chad and Tucker had been in the basement cleaning up an area that evidently hasn't been touched in years. They came up and Chad said, "Look what we found." It was a Cullman High School Class of 2013 T-shirt of Clark David's wadded up under the stairwell. 'Isn't that something,' I thought. His "presence" still lingers. A tangible reminder of him this month. His memory fades, but never dies. His shirt was a reminder of him in more ways than one. I texted a friend to let her know what they had found. The correspondence led to me finding out her mother had recently passed away. It's amazing how God orchestrates all the details of life. The shirt was the catalyst to prompt me to share her story of how Clark David's life intersected with her's.
Sometime this winter Chad saw one of Clark David's friend's mother at the bank. She asked if he had a few minutes because she wanted to share a story with him. He came home and told me best he could remember and it touched me so, but I thought I wish I could hear the story myself. About a month later, I ran into her at the grocery story (I hadn't seen her in years). Isn't that just like the Lord I thought?! As we both were surprised to see each other, we hugged and I thanked her for sharing and started asking questions. She was eager to engage. God knew I needed to hear the encouragement for myself. Here's Melisa's (McNeal Privett) story in her words: "It was a few days after Clark David's funeral (October 9, 2014). I was doing laundry one day, aggravated yet again about having to wash Lukas' clothes. It literally hit me like a ton of bricks, that Beth would love more than anything to have Clark David's dirty clothes to wash. I got down on my knees on the pile of clothes and made a commitment, that day, to never complain about Lukas' dirty clothes ever again. I always praise God for them and I pray for you, Chad, and your family. I really don't think I ever do his laundry without thinking of you and remembering Clark David. God really does work through small, everyday chores that we may think of as insignificant." As we texted back and forth one day, I told her the dirty piles of clothes reminded me of how Scripture says our sins are as filthy rags to the Lord (Isaiah 64:6) and as the washing machine takes the clothes and washes them, as we put our trust in the Lord Jesus, He takes our sins like scarlet and makes them white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool (Isaiah 1:18). Thank you Melisa, for sharing with us how God has used this to touch your heart. As you mentioned to me in November, "All these years I've been humbled and amazed by the 'power' some dirty laundry had on me that day. God is so much bigger than we can even fathom." He truly is so much bigger than we can fathom. And the God that created this vast universe is mindful of us is beyond my comprehension (What is man that You are mindful of him...Psalm 8:4a).
(click to listen to songs here and below)
God blessed Chad and me with three children. Unless something happens to my memory, I won't forget each one, each child's uniqueness, character, and personality. As I'm continuing to see, each one teaches me something different. As parents we sometimes tend to think (or I did) that we do all the teaching and training. But I'm finding out more and more that God uses them to teach me. Probably without them knowing it, I've had to learn to be more patient, not ask too many questions, pick the right timing, serve more, love more, and pray more. I fail! None of these things have been mastered, but the Lord is helping me. But something God has taught me that I've learned no other way, came through the earthly death of my eldest son Clark David. The Lord, through Clark David, has taught me to cry out to Him in my despair. I've not stopped calling out to Him since. He's my constant help and companion. You see, when God is all you have, you realize He is all you need. He is the great Counselor, Healer, Redeemer, Restorer, Deliverer. He is everything I need. He sustains and satisfies. As Jeremy Camp says in his interview linked below, when a trial hits, you have two choices, run to God or run away! Crying out to the Lord is the only way that you will be saved and rescued, redeemed and restored.
The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song will I praise Him. (Psalm 28:7)
Sometimes I still get a feeling or that look, that people feel sorry for me. I mean I understand sharing in someone's sorrow because we're to weep with those who weep (and rejoice with those who rejoice -Romans 12:15), but I'm talking about that look. If you've been there you know. If you haven't, you don't and that's okay. But it's those people that I feel sorry because they must not have what I have or they've not yet experienced a fiery affliction and cried out to the Lord. This pain and affliction has brought me so much closer to my heavenly Father and for that I'm grateful. I've been asked before, if you could change it would you? If you could have your son back, would you reverse this? I would not. Because I wouldn't know the Lord as intimately as I do and see what I see if it hadn't been for this. You see, He uses pain and suffering to reveal Himself to us and put us on a different course if we allow Him to. He uses sorrow to teach me His ways (Psalm 119). He uses affliction to take the love of the world out of me and make me think eternally (Colossians 3:2). You might be thinking, 'I don't know if I could say that if it happened to me.' I'm not sure I could've said it either before this happened, but I know I will get Clark David back. I will see him again. I have that peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).You may be thinking, but don't you miss him? Don't you love him? Don't you hurt still? YES!YES! And YES! I think of him so often, especially through music. Some days through tears still. I think about Tucker and Tess too though, many times a day, but usually not through tears. They're here with me so I think of them more I'm sure, but there isn't a day that I don't think of Clark David many times a day and wonder what he's doing. That's why when I hear Tess mention her birthday, I automatically think of him too. It's funny how children want to know which child is the favorite. Sadly, we know and can tell sometimes parents and grandparents do have favorites. Look at Joseph in the Bible. But as I've explained in years past to my children, just as God has enough love to go around for all His children, I too have the capacity to love each child unconditionally with enough to go around. Just because I've learned so much through Clark David's life and because God "speaks" to me through this suffering, doesn't mean I love him more. I love them all deeply... the same.
As the time indicates above, early March 1st, after everyone was asleep (I wasn't sleepy) I started reading and praying. Later, before retiring for the night, I checked my junk email. For some reason lots of emails are winding up there and I hadn't realized it until recently. To my surprise I quickly noticed a new blog post from February 19th by Karen Harmening entitled, "GRIEVING TOO LONG?" (see post). I clicked. I'm always anxious to read her writing because I can relate to her and most of the time the Lord has shown me similar things. She sometimes ends her post with a song/video and as I scrolled, I saw she had. The title of the song caught my attention. I wasn't familiar with it. As I started to listen, the tears fell, one right after the other. Wow, I wasn't expecting that. A rush of emotions and a bitter but sweet song. Yet another reminder of his absence, but also another reminder of God's love, grace, and mercy. How perfect. Timing is everything. It was meant for me to hear and be reminded of Heaven (not that I need reminding) on the first day of his birthday month, 13 days before what would've been his 25th birthday. But instead, he's going to spend his sixth birthday in the presence of the Lord which is far better (Hebrews & Philippians 1:21).
Reminder Through Your T-Shirt |
Providentially, later that evening, Chad and Tucker had been in the basement cleaning up an area that evidently hasn't been touched in years. They came up and Chad said, "Look what we found." It was a Cullman High School Class of 2013 T-shirt of Clark David's wadded up under the stairwell. 'Isn't that something,' I thought. His "presence" still lingers. A tangible reminder of him this month. His memory fades, but never dies. His shirt was a reminder of him in more ways than one. I texted a friend to let her know what they had found. The correspondence led to me finding out her mother had recently passed away. It's amazing how God orchestrates all the details of life. The shirt was the catalyst to prompt me to share her story of how Clark David's life intersected with her's.
Sometime this winter Chad saw one of Clark David's friend's mother at the bank. She asked if he had a few minutes because she wanted to share a story with him. He came home and told me best he could remember and it touched me so, but I thought I wish I could hear the story myself. About a month later, I ran into her at the grocery story (I hadn't seen her in years). Isn't that just like the Lord I thought?! As we both were surprised to see each other, we hugged and I thanked her for sharing and started asking questions. She was eager to engage. God knew I needed to hear the encouragement for myself. Here's Melisa's (McNeal Privett) story in her words: "It was a few days after Clark David's funeral (October 9, 2014). I was doing laundry one day, aggravated yet again about having to wash Lukas' clothes. It literally hit me like a ton of bricks, that Beth would love more than anything to have Clark David's dirty clothes to wash. I got down on my knees on the pile of clothes and made a commitment, that day, to never complain about Lukas' dirty clothes ever again. I always praise God for them and I pray for you, Chad, and your family. I really don't think I ever do his laundry without thinking of you and remembering Clark David. God really does work through small, everyday chores that we may think of as insignificant." As we texted back and forth one day, I told her the dirty piles of clothes reminded me of how Scripture says our sins are as filthy rags to the Lord (Isaiah 64:6) and as the washing machine takes the clothes and washes them, as we put our trust in the Lord Jesus, He takes our sins like scarlet and makes them white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool (Isaiah 1:18). Thank you Melisa, for sharing with us how God has used this to touch your heart. As you mentioned to me in November, "All these years I've been humbled and amazed by the 'power' some dirty laundry had on me that day. God is so much bigger than we can even fathom." He truly is so much bigger than we can fathom. And the God that created this vast universe is mindful of us is beyond my comprehension (What is man that You are mindful of him...Psalm 8:4a).
(click to listen to songs here and below)
Wednesday, March 11
God is not caught off guard. He uses everything for His glory and your ultimate good. He uses tragedy to accomplish His will, and His will is right, holy and perfect.
--Max Lucado, "You'll Get Through This" Calendar
Thursday, March 12, 7p.m. - Reminder Through "A Happy"
I received "a happy" as my sister-in-law, Chanda, calls it. My mother-in-law had been to visit her and brought back a gift for me. I opened the box and a cute little green, grass bunny to display for Easter time was inside along with a note. It read: As always, thinking about Clark David especially more this week. So many things remind me of him, and I see life so differently because his Home is in Heaven now. It's no coincidence that his birthday is in the Springtime. The Lord uses that as a reminder to me, all things new! Isaiah 43:19
Friday, March 13, 10 a.m. - Reminder of God's Promises
As I walked to the mailbox today, I passed the cherry blossom tree planted in Clark David's memory. I looked and to my surprise I noticed from a distance some growth. I got up closer and yes, there was a bloom starting to bud and new, green growth. The "happy" is what reminded me to look at the tree. Just like God again. Perfect timing!
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Thinking of You Card The Son is Always Behind the Clouds |
If all of life were sunshine,
Our face would long to gain
And feel once more upon it
The cooling splash of rain.
--Henry Jackson Van Dyke
Saturday Morning, March 14th
Tess got to run with her cross country team at East Elementary School in the Shamrock Shuffle Color Run this morning that providentially fell on Clark David's birthday (God in all the details). She ran well and when it was over I noticed from a distance she seemed upset. Joshlynn, her teammate, was consoling her and when opportunity arose I went to hug them both not certain as to exactly why she was crying. She was sad about Clark David, but later she asked me if Alex (Clark David's friend from high school) worked at East Elementary. I let her know yes, she's a teacher there. Tess thought she saw her, but then thought maybe she was seeing things. I found out later via a text to Alex that she was there helping with the run. Tess had never seen Alex in person, so seeing her and knowing what good friend's Tess' brother and Alex were filled Tess with emotions. I was surprised that in a crowd that small I never saw Alex! I went to a funeral recently that Alex attended too. We did not cross paths. For reasons God only knows, He did not allow us to meet today or that day. I'm grateful for texting though and the sovereignty of God. It was amazing to me...Tess seeing Alex happened on this day. More reminders of Clark David and God's special touch on March 14th.
Funny thing, CHS is hosting their annual prom today. The prom always brings to mind Clark David because it's so close to his birthday. And wouldn't you know it, this year it fell on his birthday! I cannot think of the prom and Clark David without thinking of Alex too. Only Alex knows how special that time was for her and what it means since he's been gone. I'm grateful she was a part of my son's life and he touched her live in a very special way as well. In memory of that, here are some special photos. I "know" how much she misses him.
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Tess at Shamrock Run |
Funny thing, CHS is hosting their annual prom today. The prom always brings to mind Clark David because it's so close to his birthday. And wouldn't you know it, this year it fell on his birthday! I cannot think of the prom and Clark David without thinking of Alex too. Only Alex knows how special that time was for her and what it means since he's been gone. I'm grateful she was a part of my son's life and he touched her live in a very special way as well. In memory of that, here are some special photos. I "know" how much she misses him.
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Alex & Clark David at CHS |
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Alex & Clark David - March 16, 2013 |
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Tree Planted in Clark David's Memory |
Springtime is such a visible picture of rebirth and renewal.
I look around and see so many things blooming and think of the meaning behind Spring. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He never changes, but He's in the business of changing things and making them new. All things new! And because He makes all things new, in Jesus Christ, He is "ALIVE IN US."
"In changing times lay hold of the unchanging character of God."
From March 14 Calendar "You'll Get Through This by Max Lucado
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19
He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then He said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:5.
Saturday Evening, March 14th
Every year's been different. This March 14th the four of us, Chad, Tucker, Tess and I ended up at Buffalo Wild Wings again for dinner (Clark David loved chicken wings, hot ones...we have stories, lol). Then we went to see "I STILL BELIEVE." I'm a big fan of Jeremy Camp's music. So many of his songs were there when I needed them years ago, and still are. Tess and I have even been to see him in concert. His concerts are like no others. He always presents the Gospel because he knows that believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is "THE ANSWER" to every question (click 'THE ANSWER' to hear song and see other's stories). I've known for awhile that the movie was being released in March, but I never dreamed the four of us would end up at the movie together on Clark David's birthday! Perfect timing. Thank You, Lord. A special gift from You (James 1:17). This movie is based on the true story of Jeremy Camp. I encourage you to click on "I still believe" above and listen to his interview because we learn and grow through others stories and are encouraged them and the hope they bring. I've recently come across the same words he spoke, "pain is universal...we all experience it." As the cliche goes, "we're all in the same boat," but I would add, each one is just in a different seat, experiencing something that God has designed uniquely for you. As I listened to the lyrics being sung in the movie, "I still believe in Your faithfulness, I still believe in Your truth, I still believe in Your holy Word, even when I don't see, I still believe....the only place I can go is into Your arms where I throw to You my feeble prayers in brokenness I can see that this was Your will for me, help me to know Your near," I thought, yes, Lord, I do too. I still believe! (listen for yourself).
My story, like his, DID NOT result in "healing" this side of eternity. God knew when Clark David's time on Earth was over. I too, like Jeremy Camp, prayed and prayed selfishly. He wanted his new bride to live on Earth with him longer. I wanted my 19 year old son to live here longer and glorify the Lord with his life. But God did not allow that plan. His plan supersedes mine, but as Jonathan Evans reminded me (AS HE GAVE HIS MOTHER'S EULOGY), God's answer was always, yes, and yes! Is it beyond my comprehension? Yes and no. It's beyond my comprehension if I think like a natural man (or woman), but if I appraise all things like Scripture tells me to do (1 Corinthians 2:15), then that means I'm to think like a spiritual man (woman). I can only do that with the power of the Holy Spirit living in me. Jesus, the Helper has taught me through His Word to take heart, trouble will come, but He has overcome the world (John 16:33). He has shown me that my faith will be tested, to prove to me it's a real faith (1 Peter 1:6-7), and sometimes God disciplines me (Hebrews 12:4-12) so He can conform me to be and love more like Jesus (Romans 8:28-29) all to accomplish His plan and purposes for His glory. I trust in His holy Word and as another song by Jeremy Camp says, "I WILL WALK BY FAITH.", even when I cannot see because this broken road prepares Your will for me. This temporary suffering is producing for me an everlasting weight of glory, far beyond any comparison (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). This broken road is preparing me for the day I will meet my Lord and Savior. He's gone to prepare a place for me so I can be with Him forever (John 14:2) and when He calls me Home I want to hear Him say "WELL DONE." (Matthew 25:21).There is no other way this happens than to go through the crucible. Just look at Jesus and the cross.
There are many times I hear of faith stories that result in answered prayers. Anytime the situation turns out like the person(s) requested, I hear people say, "praise the Lord." To my recollection, I've never heard someone say that when the result wasn't what they were expecting. But, God tells us to praise Him at all times. My prayer was answered. It was "yes," it just wasn't the "yes" I had hoped for. But, I will praise the Lord anyway. He is praiseworthy. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I will "PRAISE HIM IN THE STORM."
Just and true are Your ways, King of the ages (Revelation 15:3).
...When the fires of affliction draw songs of praise from us, we are indeed purified, and our God is glorified! --Streams in the Desert
God orchestrated the whole day for us and we were right where He wanted us to be. Each step we took and each place we stopped, all directed by Him. I'm glad I got to see such a powerful message of faith and hope on this day. Even though the day didn't turn out exactly as I would've was exactly as God liked. BLESSED BE YOUR NAME. Take one day at a time. He is still God and He has this! He is still on the throne!
Sunday morning, March 15th
Christ is building His Kingdom with the broken things of Earth. People desire only the strong, successful, victorious, and unbroken things in life to build their kingdoms, but God is the God of the unsuccessful--the God of those who have failed. Heaven is being filled with Earth's broken lives, and there is no "bruised reed" (Isaiah 42:3) that Christ cannot take and restore to a glorious place of blessing and beauty. He can take a life crushed by pain or sorrow and make it a harp whose music will be total praise . He can lift Earth's saddest failure up to Heaven's glory. --J.R. Miller
From Streams in the Desert
The above quote was on my streams in the desert calendar I keep in my bathroom, so I awoke to that reminder this morning. After attending church at Temple Baptist today and listening to "Trial of our Faith," I was amazed what Pastor Malcolm preached on. Isn't it just like God to affirm what He puts in our heart? That's what He did all through the songs and message. So many things he said resonated with me and I thought, that's some of the same things I pondered over while doing this post. I'm grateful for the time he spends in the Word (and all pastors for that matter) to bring a message of comfort and hope. No matter what trials come, whether small or big, on a personal or global scale like the coronavirus...God is still ruling and reigning and nothing catches Him off guard. Do you see this as a reason to fear? If so, maybe you need to cry out to the Lord. He is the way, there is no other, He rose from death to victory and He reigns in life, outshines the sun, is Lord over all, and He can make you new as the song we sang in church says, Jesus is "ALIVE IN US."
No matter how broken, God can and will rebuild what's been broken in me. And He restores what's been stolen from me....
Thank You, Lord for the gift of life eternal (John 11:25).
Thank You, Lord for the gift of life eternal (John 11:25).
Memories fade, but as I was reminded today at church, our inheritance in the Lord never does.
"Praise (or blessed) be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in Heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Peter 1:3-9).
"EVERY PRAISE" belongs to God our Father!
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October 2013 - Last picture by himself |
"It seems like every minute I've been dreaming about Heaven and all the things your precious eyes now see.
I stare at every picture wishing somehow I was with you cause nothing is the way it used to be.
We gather at the table where you sat across from me and I can't get used to you not being there in that empty chair.
I can almost hear you laughing and see that pretty smile and I know that I'll be with you in just a little while.
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Thank you, Carol for his pretty flowers! |
I imagine as you gather all together at the table with the King there's an empty chair sitting right beside you that you have saved for me.
This world seems pretty cold since the day God called you Home and we had our final hug and last goodbye, but I know that you're there waiting for another celebration the day when we finally arrive. We'll gather at the table with our family and our God. Oh, I just can't wait until the day I'm there in that empty chair.
My homesick heart has always longed to see the Father's face, now Heaven's even sweeter since you walked into that place."
We always remember you Clark David and think of you each in our own special way, we love you always and miss you so very much!!
Happy Birthday With The Lord!!!
Jesus said to him I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me
(John 14:6).
Contrary to popular belief, there is only one way to God the Father and's through Jesus Christ. Believe on Him and be saved from the punishment of your sins so you won't have to go to Hell and pay for them FOREVER. We all will live forever in one place or the other. God says so.
If you are battling with depression, addiction, or suicidal thoughts, please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You are not weak for admitting your need for help! You are not a burden to anyone! Don't believe the lies in your head! YOU ARE LOVED, but more importantly, you are loved by God, your Maker. Help IS available. Choose to talk to someone, share your feelings and get help! Most importantly, cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
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